Enrolment Process
The enrolment process is open and equitable. Enrolments will be subject to Australian Government priority of access guidelines. In the interests of children’s welfare and protection, access to children referred to the service by appropriate agencies will be accommodated wherever possible, whilst still ensuring the safety and care of every child at the service.
Families will be carefully oriented to the service before their children attend. The orientation process is a time for the educators to share information with families about how the service operates and how the child is settling within the service. It is also a time for families to share information about the child and their expectations of the service.
At enrolment parents are encouraged to provide any further information about their child that will support continuity of care between home and the service.
Information you need to provide
- child’s name and address and details of any special needs
- information about yourself and any other parents, carers or guardians
- details of the people who can pick up your child
- child’s birth certificate or other identity documents
- details of any parenting orders or legal matters to do with the care or safety of your child (the child care service must keep your information private)
- your child’s medical health and immunisation status.
No Jab No Play
To have your child’s enrolment confirmed, you need to give the service a current immunisation history statement from the Australian Immunisation Register.
The statement must show your child is up to date with all vaccinations that are due for their age. Or they’re up to date with the vaccinations they’re able to receive.
This is known as “No Jab No Play”.
The immunisation history statement from the Australian Immunisation Register is the only document accepted for enrolments. Letters from GPs or local councils are not accepted.
For additional information on immunisation, please see fact sheets below.
We enrol children as places become available during the year.
If you have any questions, please call 03 9555 5598

Resources for Families
A range of information resources are available to assist families understand the details of the new child care package.
- Additional information about the Child Care Subsidy activity Test
- Child Care Package brochure
- Child Care Package Poster
- Child Care Safety Net
- Child Care Subsidy – change of circumstance
- Child Care Subsidy – Shared Care
- Child Care Subsidy Activity Test
- Child Care Subsidy Assessment Tips
- Child Care Subsidy eligibility for children attending secondary school and older children
- Child Care Subsidy rates
- Child Care Subsidy Withholding
- Emergencies and natural disaster
- Exemptions to the Child Care Subsidy activity test
- How to provide irregular work hours for the Activity Test
- Immunisation
- New Child Care Package overview
- Voluntary work and the Child Care Subsidy activity test
- What is ‘liability to pay’ for child care fees?
- What is the Additional Child Care Subsidy (child wellbeing)?
- What is the Additional Child Care Subsidy (transition to work)?
- What is the Additional Child Care Subsidy (temporary financial hardship)?
- What is the Additional Child Care Subsidy (grandparent)?
- What is the Child Care Subsidy?